Home of the Mustangs!
National School Counselor Week!

Lani Hollenquest

SEHS is thankful for our Counselors!

Sandy Barfoot
February Important Announcements

Feb. 3rd & 4th - Bowling State Championship Feb. 5th - Co-Op interest meeting
Feb. 5th - Athletic signing day
Feb. 6th - 28th - SEHS Student Art Showcase at the BOE lobby
Feb. 6th - Junior Ambassador meeting
Feb. 7th - Legacy Field Trip
Feb. 8th - VEX Tournament in the atrium
Feb. 9th - 14th - FCCLA & FBLA Week
Feb. 10th - Progress Reports
Feb. 12th - ImaginEx in the new gym
Feb. 15th - Mardi Gras Parade
Feb. 17th - PTO meeting/Student of the Month
Feb. 18th - ASVAB in room 118
Feb. 18th - 20th - ACCESS for ELL testing in the library
Feb. 24th - AL DECA State Career Development Conference
Feb. 26th - Senior Cap & Gown pictures
Feb. 27th - Black History Program
Feb. 28th - Tech Fairy PD
Stanhope Elmore's Teacher of the Year
Congratulations Mrs. Lea Berkstresser

Congratulations Ms. Ashley Taylor and Mr. Keyshaun White!!!!!!
Stanhope Elmore's 2024-2025 Support Staff of the Year!

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